Tuesday, March 29, 2016

All of my life, I have always wanted to be a Father, loving and caring for my little precious beings...
For whatever reason, I have been denied that right, denied in a way so egregious it is beyond comprehension. Women take a role to enforce their will, and will use any method to accomplish their desired result. Children don't need a Father, so so many of them agree! It is a form of punishment, retaliation and control. The hardest part is to continue loving my children in whatever way I can. They live in my heart, but out of my life. I keep a very special place that I reserved just for them. Trying to remain positive, keeping my head up, and following my dreams. People find ways to push you back down, and keep you there, as a means of taking away every ounce of hope you ever had. This is where God comes in... Your faith and unbreakable determination, is what guides you to your own personal moment of truth. Hopes are to someday not feel this pain anymore. I just want them to know that I love them...
~ David Molino

Thursday, December 31, 2015

My 2016 Prayer

I start this New Year with a prayer, a prayer for those who have not, those who are sick, and are casualties of war. I pray for my children, whom I have been denied. I pray that they will be safe from harm, and their phycological well being remains in tact.  I pray that I have kindness and compassion in my heart, and that I am able to love unconditionally. I pray that my heart and my soul remains on course, never faltering. I pray for health, for all of my friends and their families. I pray for light, to touch each and everyone of you, and enter your hearts. I pray that darkness will never find you. I pray that each and everyone of you will find a stranger to love, if just for a moment, just to show the world that God is real. Happy New Year!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Father Daughter relationship terminated just to deny accountability

This is going to be one of those I can't believe this stories.
It's about how my daughter was taken out of my life because her Mother denied accountability of why our daughter was making comments about her boyfriend (who didn't exsist) touched her private parts. It's sad because the child suffers...